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Saturday, 29 July 2017

101 Things To Do With an Old Wooden Pallet: Number 2- A modular raised bed

Number 1 was the planter, remember? And as dear Mr Davie has kindly brought  me 4 more pallets of varying sizes, I thought it was time to be creative. Again, I'm trying to do as little DIY as possible, so I'm using what's already there, where I can. Those of you with bigger muscles and hammers will no  doubt be more able and willing to discombobulate a pallet, and create a super design, but mine, well, it works.
This was made from two pallets of different sizes, using a mallet, an old chisel and a saw (to dismantle), a hammer and some nails. It was  then given a coat of wood preservative.
 The bits I used were the "feet" of the pallets, which I sawed free as I couldn't get the nails out of the wood easily. Taking the "feet" and their attached planks of wood means you've already got your module almost made, only requiring one more plank on one side to make an open box. The planks not nailed to the "feet" are a lot easier to get off the pallet and reuse.  
 I left one side open, my thoughts being that I could put companion plants in there (marigolds and herbs, for example) to help control pests. At the moment, I'm thinking that I will place the four sides where I want the raised bed to be, and raise the soil level inside it  with compost. I'm hoping the weight of the compost and plants in the "wall" of the raised bed will keep  things in place, but if that turns out to be impractical, I can't see it being difficult to make the thing more rigid. We'll see next year, won't we?
 I have two pallets left and the bits left over from these pallets. What can we conjure up next? And here's a picture of my young thrush, who was watching what I was doing in to the expectation there'd be food afterwards.

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