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Friday, 17 June 2016

June is Bustin' and things are looking good

  It is, I think, well known that the British are obsessed with the weather. In a country that can experience what seems like all four seasons in one day, we talk about it and grumble about it, stating the obvious (nice day, isn't it?), complaining (it's too hot/cold?), and defining ourselves by it (I'm a Spring/ Summer/ Autumn person). Is anyone a winter person? I mean winter in Britain, not somewhere that enjoys winter sports because they get snow and ice (what we would probably call a proper winter, even though we rarely have one). Most winters here are wet and miserable, and getting wetter, it would seem.
 Summer also can be a bit hit and miss. Us Olders (I do not yet consider myself of sufficient years to label myself an Oldie) still hark back to the summer of '76, a summer I recall as full of sun and heat, though it probably wasn't anywhere near as good as I think I remember. We were living near the coast that year, and I remember the trek through the footpaths with my then friend, Tina Ricks, to a secluded beach to which we had access. And I remember my older sibling turning to beckon me into the water, unaware that a huge breaker was rearing up behind her. I laughed heartily, while she screamed as the wave hit. She probably doesn't even remember it.
  This year's summer got off to a galloping start, leading in with a dry, warm Spring. We were grateful. Gardens got the attention they deserved. The allotment got an early start. I actually remembered to plant my veggies at the right time. Then we started to complain it was too hot, so Summer sent Rain, to give us something else to moan about. The rain, however, has been interspersed with sunny, warm periods, and while it may not be ideal weather for a day on the beach with the kids, it has been ideal growing weather, and everything that's been planted is coming on apace- if it can grow big enough before the slugs or pigeons find it.(Two lots of beetroot have mysteriously disappeared. I'm not naming names, but the local pigeons are looking exceptionally rotund and healthy).
The tomatoes in the greenhouse are already bearing tiny fruit; the Scotch Bonnet chillies are getting ready to ripen. There are tiny fruits on the olive. The potatoes are flowering, the cucumbers are about to flower, and we have just picked and tasted our first  cucamelon fruits. What? I hear you ask. Stick your mouse on the word to find the link. Essentially, they are bite-size cucumbers.
  Tomorrow, we hope to get up to the allotment and tidy it up. I will also put in some beetroot that I have been growing in the greenhouse, and see how they fare. Assuming pigeons are the culprits, it might be a good idea to put some netting out, to cover the beetroot- net curtains, in my case. I will report back in a couple of weeks if this has been successful. The P&J will be most disappointed if he doesn't have his supply of
fresh beetroot this summer. He's been very keen on the stuff ever since I told him about it turning your pee red if you eat enough of it.

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